Monday, May 1, 2023


Many years back the United States military was utilized against me as an unarmed American citizen activist musician; one time in the months before my brother died in 1999 from a head-on collision; and then again a few years later the day before CIA boss Porter Goss quit his job...

This helicopter-related US Military harassment occurred one time right before the 9/11 incident where the federal government basically went rogue and fell into a 20 plus year pattern of governmental anarchy; then once again in the middle of the post 9/11 era...Adding to this; I received an email right after the 9/11 incident from the ACLU stating the FBI admitted to roughly 25 years of active destabilization of activists; including and mainly black activists; while the USA Patriot act which was drafted in the weeks before the 9/11 incident obviously as a precursor to this incident; proved the 9/11 incident was axiomatically premeditated...

Therefore; ever since the United States government went 'all rogue and unconstitutional' on me; I have backed off from trusting the federal government or any level of government for that matter due to axiomatic multifarious malfeasance misfeasance and nonfeasance;

In other words stop sending me IRS letters because as far as I am concerned: at this point the federal government owes me money for violating my civil rights and or constitutional rights (etc) with the usage of the United States military; and I seriously doubt there is any statue of limitations regarding that particular kind of offense; and even if there is I backed off from trusting the federal government a long long time ago and I now see what you're all about;

So what do you want me to do? 

Pay for the helicopter fuel wasted at whatever it is $10,000 a minute; stalking and harassing me with the United States Military? 

While CNN was freaking out about Trump considering doing the same thing against protesters in New York City...

And remember: while John Lennon was afraid of FBI cars following him around; these aforementioned helicopter incidents were meant to do the same; but it badly backfired because now I'm just pissed off and not the least bit afraid...

Even though the federal government is doing the exact same thing to me as they did to John Lennon; So now what? The feds were too busy trying to destabilize Lennon and forgot to protect him: exactly like what was done to me...

Who do I go to for long overdue overdue financial compensation for these rights violations? I understand there is an extreme amount of narcissism involved in government work and or that you want me to take you as seriously as you take yourselves...

So this needs to be discussed honestly without intimidation or coercion so we can come to some kind of firm conclusion about how much compensation I will eventually receive for this gross violation of my rights and abhorrent usage of US military aircraft...

(But I have no interest in using a lawyer as a go between; because lawyers are often just idiots who quite often end up working for the government) 

Sometimes there is an unchecked carryover from administration to administration; likely why there is often a 5-year statute of limitations;

Therefore; you all need to come down off your high horses over yonder and talk to me about this honestly without reacting the way they would in China or Russia or some other oppressive regime...

This is prior knowledge not only on the part of the Sunnyvale DPS; but also on the part of the Department of Justice who I emailed for a number of years without any help;

It doesn't matter what happens to me or when it happens or who does it the Department of Justice is absolutely unconcerned about my welfare and my health and my happiness my property my safety etc etc etc...

And local police are obviously not concerned either about these important constitutional aspects; so once again DOJ had prior knowledge of me being attacked last year and took no action because you're so God damn racially and gender biased; 

So I'm still wondering why you expect me to pay for this nonsense that has been putting my life at risk for a number of years?

Therefore I DEMAND fair compensation for my roughly 20 years of police misconduct which I have experienced as a low income white male discriminated against more than any other class of individual and this particular region according to Bagley versus Sunnyvale which had a discovery process conducted by an African-American lawyer;

I'm sick of being retaliated against by multifarious nonfeasance and misfeasance and malfeasance etc;

This is an email thread sent to a Sunnyvale police officer and the Department of Justice to double up and prove prior knowledge:

Put it this way right after my brother died in a head-on collision Christmas Eve 1999; an old friend visited me out of the blue and during this visit commented that all she needed to do was have a bottle of wine and she could get a free helicopter ride at Moffett Field;

This was during the 1990s when Bill Clinton was in control of the military when the existential threat of China and Russia was much different;

Either way the line item veto Clinton enjoyed is the only thing that allowed our country to balance its books for the first time in its history;

But now that line item veto is gone when the US really needs to have a more parliamentary process and decide on one issue at a time instead of passing one awful pile of crap in order to pass a decent bill;

Anyway it's obvious the military was being run kind of loosey goosey back in the 1990s like it is now as Democrats traditionally do; and this is likely why some rogue helicopter flew about 20 ft over my father's residence in 1999;

It did three circles over the house and then took off and my old neighbor Leo who used to work on Tomahawk missiles witnessed the entire incident; then it happened again in 2008 I believe the day before Porter Goss quit his job at the CIA; 

I was also told by somebody who studies Hubble telescope satellite imagery that I have a particularly unique aura that is very outstanding and that makes me a very unique person;

And that this aura can be seen from space in fact since that same technology utilized in this process is used for wildlife counts and other purposes;

I've been told by at least six people that I have a bright light surrounding me; usually females but one male named Anthony Donaldson said he could see my aura as well;

(Anthony Donaldson is the one who told me about seeing auras from space for wildlife counts)

I was also told by one girl that I am an Elohim Angel here to help based on the shape of my 'wings'; which bystander Rick Yamashiro explained as just the shape of the energy surrounding my body;

And I have had more than one instance in my life that leads me to believe all of this is true without getting into detail about these instances in question;

Anyway I'm just guessing why this strange federally-sponsored harassment took place; and at the same time continuing to seek compensation for the rights violations involved...

On one hand it's awesome that me and my guitar player were so badass the military was used against us; but then again the government broke the law and now owes me financial compensation...

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